Publish impactful ads
with less work and lower cost
our solution
The ultimate goal of any social or digital ad is to catch someone’s eye with the right combination of stunning visuals and compelling copy. TINT makes this super simple by sourcing the best customer generated photos from social media and clearing rights so you can repurpose on your Facebook, Instagram, or digital ads. As a result, your audience will resonate more with the authentic ad by engaging and clicking through the ad due to its relevance, making it a win-win for them and your brand.
User-generated content results in 29% higher web conversions than campaigns or websites without it.
93% more dwell time on user-generated content pages than on corporate image galleries
Meritus hotels
Over 40% of shoppers say that digital displays can change what they buy because relevant information is served close to the point of purchase.
The items advertised with digital signs experienced, on average, a 49 percent increase in sales versus a control period where there was no advertising.
See what you can do with TINT
Increase ad click through rates with customer generated photos using your product
Increase ad engagement with trusted social proof advocating your brand
Decrease cost per click with authentic images captured by your customers