Community Powered Engagement Ignites Meaningful Personalization and Brand Activation

Activate consumers to build strong brand relationships, facilitate co-creation, offer exclusive rewards, and provide a platform for feedback and input. 


Brands Must Go Beyond Traditional Personalization and Drive Value through Tailored Engagement and Co-creation

Personalization needs to be more than just personalized advertising. Creating an online brand community fuels a two-way, hyper-personalized channel to deliver a clear value exchange throughout the purchase cycle. 


Getting Engagement Right is a Revenue Multiplier

Build positive interactions before and in between purchases. 

Consumers are 3.5X more likely to purchase from a business after a positive customer experience.

Brands Risk Losing Consumers Without Personalized Interactions

The need to provide personalized interactions has never been more critical.

71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions & 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. 

Personalization Increases Spend Efficiency

Make your marketing dollars work harder and produce more results.

Personalization can lift revenues by 5-15% and increase spend efficiency by 10-30%.

Harness the Power of Consumer Voices for Always-On Engagement

Learn how TINT’s community solutions can help you solve your biggest engagement challenges, powered by integrated data & insights. 

Build and launch social contests & campaigns

Post content to various social platforms at optimal times

The best social media walls and event experiences in the world

20+ Activation Campaigns

Easily launch personalized campaigns to spark engagement

Discussion Boards

An ongoing channel for evergreen conversation

Surveys & Polls

Collect consumer feedback and stay up-to-date on the latest trends

TINT builds trust through authentic community powered marketing centered on the voice of the customer. Today, over 5,000 brands in more than 173 countries use TINT’s unique mix of software, services, and expertise to cultivate communities that drive advocacy, engagement , conversions, and loyalty. Learn more about Community Powered Marketing.

Ready to experience the power of community marketing?