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Workout woman alongside the Drip Drop logo

Case Study

How DripDrop Generated Retail Awareness with Targeted Peer Influencers

Top Use Cases





Keep scrolling to see how DripDrop drove these results with peer influencers


Increase in Likelihood to Purchase


Increase in Brand Quality Perception


Increase in Share of Voice


Pieces of UGC Generated

The Challenge:

With a mission to defeat dehydration at home and abroad, fast-growing hydration powder, DripDrop, aimed to spread wide awareness of its products to consumers at key retail locations.

"We activated peer influencers to generate authentic reviews and recommendations across all social media channels to drive awareness of the launch of DripDrop, a fast-acting, great tasting hydration powder. We were thrilled to see not only an abundance of content that drove an increase in online share of voice, but also an increase in sales at our key retail partner. The community and team delivered both advocacy and action for our brand, and we are highly pleased with the customer service, analytics, and results."

Hyper-Targeting Ideal Consumers

It’s critical for those who advocate for your brand to be an ideal representation of your target consumer. With TINT’s personalized engagement, DripDrop mobilized 1,800 consumers identified as health enthusiasts, athletic, active parents, and hydration-aware.

Drip Drop product and consumer advocates
Drop Drop reviews and ratings

An Engaging Brand Experience Sparked Authentic Reviews

Participating peer influencers were prompted to try DripDrop and share their experiences on social media and key retail websites.

Drove Conversion Among Audiences at Key Retailers

Armed with a special $2 off coupon, peer influencers drove their friends, followers, and readers to key retail websites to purchase DripDrop.

Drip Drop campaign UGC
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