We’re excited to announce TINT’s integration with Threads, Meta’s rapidly expanding social platform. This integration opens up new opportunities for brands to leverage the power of UGC and strengthen their social presence everywhere consumers are.

Threads has experienced phenomenal growth since its launch, boasting over 175 million monthly active users as of July 2024. As a marketer, you want to be where your potential customers are, and this rapid adoption underscores the platform’s potential for brands. 

By combining the authenticity of UGC with Threads’ expansive reach, brands can foster deeper connections with their audience and drive meaningful engagement.

With TINT’s integration of Threads to its Community Powered Marketing platform, brands can now:

Mobilize advocates to share on Threads: Encourage passionate consumers on Threads to share their authentic experiences and content with your brand.

  • Build a loyal community: Invite your most passionate customers to join an online brand community hub where they can participate in personalized activities like surveys, discussions, and contests.
  • Identify key influential advocates: Use TINT’s audience segmentation powered by advanced zero party data collection to pinpoint connected Threads users and encourage them to share their experiences.
  • Reward and recognize: Motivate advocates with points, badges, and exclusive rewards to foster deeper loyalty.

Streamline Threads content publishing: Plan, schedule, and publish engaging UGC to your brand’s Threads profile using TINT’s Social Publishing tools.

  • Centralized content management: Easily connect your Threads account to TINT’s Social Publishing tool for efficient content planning and scheduling.
  • Leverage existing UGC: Use TINT’s powerful UGC Studio to access, edit, and repurpose your owned content and rights-approved UGC from other platforms to optimize content for Threads.

By combining these powerful features, TINT helps brands unlock the full potential of Threads, driving brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty through authentic user-generated content.

Are you ready to elevate your Threads strategy? Let TINT be your partner in success – Request a demo

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VP, Product Strategy