Our co-founder, CEO and fearless leader, Susan Frech, was recently named as a finalist in the Rising Star Entrepreneur Award in the Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs Fast Growth Awards. With hundreds of nominations, Frech was recognized as one of four finalists at the organization’s ‘Get Real’ conference on September 26, 2014 in New York City.

The Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs (OCE) is the largest education, commerce and media platform for second-stage business owners and high growth entrepreneurs. The ‘Get Real’ one-day conference showcased real entrepreneurs discussing what business leaders should know to grow their business. The conference featured speakers such as Tumblr CEO and co-founder, David Karp; Method brand CEO and co-founder, Adam Lowrey; the managing editor from Forbes and many more.

Bringing more than 20 years of experience in the advertising and marketing industry, Frech began her career at Kraft and Glaxo-SmithKline on the brand side and then transitioned to shopper marketing, moving to the event and social media/digital services space. With a passion for the start-up and an entrepreneurial environment, Frech co-founded Vesta in 2009 with the goal of providing a solution for brands to easily leverage the power of consumer brand recommendations in a scalable, measurable way.

Since its launch, Frech has led Vesta to an 885% increase in revenue and was recently named to the Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies. She has driven the company to boast a client roster of dozens of Fortune 500 brands and continues to be a leader in the social media marketing industry and influencer/advocacy space. Way to go, CEO!

Interested in more?

Check out our podcast, hosted by CEO Susan French, to discover the power of online brand communities in revolutionizing your brand.

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