Every year, marketers have new trends, new platforms, and new expectations that they need to stay on top of…or risk getting left in the dust. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. Every year, we conduct our own research to discover the must-know consumer trends and marketing themes, both as related to UGC and not. Then, we report our findings, predictions, and tips in the State of User-Generated Content report and throughout our blog. From marketer’s number…
When it comes to marketing effectiveness, user-generated content (UGC) steals the show. Marketers have learned that UGC is one of…
Remember back when UGC was a good idea? These days, it’s much more than that. It’s a must-have. In 2022, consumers practically demand it, not to mention, it solves marketers’ biggest challenges. Here are the 5 consumer trends making UGC non-optional, according to research conducted by TINT and reported in our State of User-Generated Content report 2022.