


Many marketing leaders say that content marketing is the future.  Hubspot found that marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI. As a result, content marketing initiatives are popping up across many industries. U.S. companies are expected to spend $50 billion on… Social Studies Podcast is a talk show produced by TINT about marketing, social media, and technology through the lens of the industry’s most innovative minds. Hosted by Nathan Zaru (@YES). In this episode we welcome Kate Swanberg, growth marketing manager at Tradeshift. You can find her on twitter at @keswanberg and tweet us with comments and requests @TINT. Nathan Zaru:             Hello and welcome to another episode of today’s social studies pod cast. Today our guest is Kate Swanberg, growth and product…

Your community can and should become the pulse of your content marketing strategy, but the first step is deciding if you have one. While you may have millions of users, you may not yet have a community. Do you have a community? What is the difference between a user or client base and a community? Self-identification: Members recognize the boundaries of membership and see themselves within those boundaries on an ongoing basis. Influence: Members yield some…

Summer is here! The sun is out, barbecue is king and people are spending more time on their social media accounts. Out of 466 users surveyed by Social Soup, 51 percent said they posted more during the summer and 57 percent said they shared more. This should come…

High-quality web content can take a lot of time and energy to produce, but no matter how much work you put into creating it, online content tends to have a very short shelf life. Social media content is even more fleeting; the average tweet’s prime of life only…