In the world where content is king, you’re only as good as your best content. Since the emergence of the internet, attention spans have diminished and marketers have had to evolve their content marketing strategy. For example, take digital ads and branded content. In 2017, 38 billion dollars was spent on digital ads, but a whopping 91% of it was viewed for less than a minute. That’s a lot of money to spend, considering most…
The modern customer journey is much more complicated due to how many channels marketers need to engage their customers on. Marketers continually share their challenge on needing to create more quality content with limited time and budget. On top of that, branded, staged content don’t resonate with the…
With a person’s attention span now shorter than a goldfish’s, there has been a shift in how people process data and content. Marketers have been trying for years to come up with the best way to attract customers. Unfortunately for them, millennials are somehow unresponsive to traditional advertisements.…
Did you watch “Only Lovers Left Alive” by Jim Jarmusch? Source If you haven’t watched it, the movie tells about vampires, Adam and Eve, who stayed in sync with the fast-paced world to survive and carry their love through time. As well as Adam and Eve, one tiny detail went through fire and water to rebirth today and become the most powerful marketing technique ever. And just as love matters for surviving in today’s world…
The world of advertising and marketing is constantly evolving, with new tech, trends and best practices popping up nearly every day. We’ve rounded up this week’s most compelling facts and insights so that you can stay in the know and ahead of the game. How To Leverage Parasocial…
Consumers are increasingly choosing to interact with brands in a different way. They are no longer sucked in by shiny ads promising the world. Instead, they crave connection and want to build authentic relationships with the brands they love. Today, 92% of consumers are more likely to trust word-of-mouth recommendations (compared to 24% who trust online ads), which shows the huge shift towards content that has been created by other consumers rather than the brands…
You see them all around us, and you find some fantastic examples both on social media and in real life. You see them engage and convert audiences and customers at unprecedented rates. You see them be used to source the best photos and tweets from fans and community. You buy into them…
This is part of a 4-part series about increasing employee engagement with employee-generated content. 1) Assessing Your Employee Advocacy Opportunities 2) Strategies for launching your employee advocacy program 3) Benefits of an employee advocacy and EGC social media plan 4) Get more content from your employees Answer this:…
I’ve been traveling a lot to explore various countries and learning new skills. Whether it was going to Australia to trek some the mountains of Tasmania or flying to Colombia to learn 30 hours of salsa dancing, I’ve become a digital nomad to satiate my wanderlust. One problem though: last month, I realized my travel bag wore down, and I was in the market of purchasing a new bag. My one caveat: this new bag would…
Retailers know discounts and flashy marketing materials alone don’t lure foot traffic. Consumers demand a complete brand experience flowing between the real world and the virtual world. Retail marketing is changing. How can brands deliver authentic brand engagement in real life and online? Integrating customer social media content,…