
Edward Hu

I help brands come up with hashtags that lead to their customers creating purposeful content. I do this by using TINT's industry-leading technology to help surface what customers are already saying then design better hashtags around those findings.

This is part of a 4-part series about increasing employee engagement with employee-generated content.   1) Assessing Your Employee Advocacy Opportunities 2) Strategies for launching your employee advocacy program 3) Benefits of an employee advocacy and EGC social media plan 4) Get more content from your employees The hardest part about setting up a successful employee-generated content (EGC) campaign is getting people to participate. When people don’t participate, you don’t get enough content and the campaign…

This is part of a 4-part series about increasing employee engagement with employee-generated content.   1) Assessing Your Employee Advocacy Opportunities 2) Strategies for launching your employee advocacy program 3) Benefits of an employee advocacy and EGC social media plan 4) Get more content from your employees Answer this: who knows your company better than anyone else? Who is working in it every single day and helping to build it into something great? The answer: your…