
Danielle Storms


It’s no secret social media has changed the way consumers seek information, especially when it comes to making purchase decisions. Impressive statistics supporting word-of-mouth and influencer marketing are often thrown around- consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising, brand advocates are 70% more likely to be seen as a good source of information by people around them, 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 33%  trust ads, etc. Influencers hold a…

Date yourself. Think back to your younger years and the excitement, along with anxiety, you felt on your first day of school each year. You think about your friends and favorite teachers you’re excited to see, but you worry about those you haven’t met yet. “What if they don’t like me?” you worry, “what if they say something mean?” Brands can be hesitant to open up social conversations in fear of receiving criticism. However, in…