In the current marketing ecosystem, community-building is not merely an adjacent strategy; it represents the discerning force that sets exceptional brands apart. 

Close to 70% of marketers acknowledge the importance of community-building in customer retention, and research shows a community member can yield 13 times more customer lifetime value than general market consumers. 

A robust brand community serves as a dynamic conduit, connecting passionate brand advocates. It fosters two-way and personalized communication, encouraging user-generated content (UGC) that nurtures lasting emotional loyalty.

Many brands choose to create a designated brand-owned community hub that places consumers at the forefront, creating an environment where people feel heard, valued, and engaged.

After establishing a community, brand teams often grapple with questions like, 

“How can we expand our community of brand advocates effectively?

“What strategies can we employ to attract new customers and engage existing passionate consumers through our community? “

And, equally important, “How do we ensure sustained long-term growth and engagement?”

We’ve helped brand teams grapple with these challenges. And now we’re able to make it faster and easier than ever to grow an online brand community with TINT’s Community Growth Toolkit – a suite of features available in TINT’s Community Powered Marketing platform.

Let’s explore how you can use TINT to enhance engagement with existing consumers, captivate new audiences, and seamlessly integrate community into the entire consumer journey, ultimately amplifying overall marketing effectiveness.

1. Turn Website Visitors into Engaged Community Members Instantly

TINT’s newest Instant Community Signup feature enables you to seamlessly embed a community opt-in on any digital property. Rise above traditional email newsletter opt-ins that result in one-way communication; today’s consumers seek an experience beyond the ordinary, anticipating VIP treatment. 

Instead of a generic email signup, imagine extending a personal invitation to an interactive online hub where they can enjoy personalized offers, share feedback and co-create with you, actively participate in lively discussions, browse shoppable UGC, and connect with like-minded consumers.

Our Community Signup form can be embedded into any digital property including your brand’s website, landing pages, and ecommerce pages. When your consumer opts-in to your brand community, they can instantly access a personalized dashboard of offers, activities, and discussions. 

Image of TINT's Instant Community Signup Feature allowing brands to grow their community everywhere their consumers are

2. Invite Your Social Following to a Brand-Owned Community Through TINT’s Social Publishing Tool

Another effective way to grow your online brand community hub is elevating connections on existing channels. While social media serves as an initial platform for community-building, brands often encounter limitations and dead-ends long-term, primarily associated with a lack of ownership, increasingly limited reach, platform instability, and loss of engagement. 

In fact, our recent State of Community Powered Marketing report highlights that nearly 70% of marketers express concerns about potential loss of brand fans due to algorithm changes on social platforms.

TINT’s Social Publishing Tool addresses these challenges by streamlining the scheduling, publishing, and measurement of social posts, ensuring not only a steady online presence but also fostering a pathway for community growth. And with direct access to TINT’s UGC Studio, it grants access to a diverse array of high-quality UGC from your community of consumers. 

This collaborative approach transforms social media from a passive conduit into an active catalyst for community growth, inspiring consumers to actively contribute to the vibrant brand community.

TINT's Social Publishing tool streamlines the scheduling, publishing, and measurement of social posts

3. Foster Community Growth by Featuring Community UGC Galleries

The significance of UGC extends beyond mere visuals; it serves as a powerful testament to the authenticity of your brand. By showcasing real-life moments of your community, UGC becomes a driving force in capturing the interest of new and existing consumers and encouraging them to join a collective where genuine experiences take precedence. It also helps establish a shared community identity, a crucial element in successful community-building. 

When websites feature UGC, they can see an increase of 29% in web conversions, a 20% increase in return visitors, and a 90% increase in time spent on-site.

A powerful part of our Community Growth Toolkit is making it easy to feature community-created UGC across your digital ecosystem. By displaying community UGC galleries of consumers using and loving your products, you can create a trust-building experience that encourages others to join the conversation.

TINT's UGC website galleries allow brands to easily showcase their customer photos, videos, reviews, and testimonials across their digital assets

4. Grow Community Relationships from Sweepstakes or Contests

Did you know that one-third of consumers who participate in a sweepstakes are open to receiving further information about the brand? Promotional campaigns are a great way to boost interest and engagement of your community. 

What makes this strategy noteworthy is not just its ability to enhance existing community participation but also its knack for drawing in new members, fostering organic growth within your community. 

TINT helps you create and launch a sweepstakes or contest in minutes as a means to organically expand and breathe new life into your community. 

With its seamless community connection, sweepstakes & contest entrants can become a part of your community with a click of a button. 

Example of a sweepstakes built with TINT's Experience Builder tool

5. Invite Influential Online Voices to Your Brand Community Through AI-Powered UGC Curation & Collection

In the landscape of community-building, a strategic move involves identifying and extending invitations to influential voices within your niche to join your brand’s community. This deliberate step goes beyond mere numbers – it’s about fostering genuine connections with individuals who hold sway with your target consumer. 

TINT empowers brands to identify and invite these influential figures into your community fold to not only gain valuable content creators but also open avenues to organically expand your brand’s reach through its powerful AI UGC Curation & Collection. It’s a symbiotic relationship where their expertise enriches your community while your platform provides them with an authentic space to share insights to engage and grow their reach.

This approach serves as a ripple effect for organic growth, tapping into the established networks of these influential voices.

TINT Board showing ability to collect, curate and distribute authentic User-generated Content

6.  Grow Community Membership Through a Refer-A-Friend Campaign

As existing members champion your community to their circles, the ripple effect becomes a force multiplier for growth. Deploying a refer-a-friend campaign to your community transforms community growth into a collaborative journey, where every new member isn’t just an addition but a valued connection fostered through trust and shared relationships. 

This not only bolsters your community numbers but also establishes a foundation where new members feel an immediate sense of belonging. It’s more than just a referral; it’s a testament to the interconnected and community-driven ethos that defines your brand.

Refer-a-Friend campaigns can be for a set period of time or can be evergreen, allowing for an always-on way for people to introduce your brand. 

Refer-a-Friend Campaigns empower and incentivize community members to invite friends and family to join an online brand community

Even More Strategies to Grow Your Community

Run a Social and Digital Ad Campaign Featuring Community UGC
Leverage the captivating content generated by your community in your social and digital ad campaigns. This not only attracts new members but also reinforces the value and vibrancy of your community to your existing audience.

Feature Your Community in Your Event Marketing
Showcase your community’s spirit and engagement. Use TINT’s live display capabilities to feature real-time UGC during events, creating a sense of involvement for both physical and virtual attendees.

Include Community Promotion as Part of Your Product Packaging In-Store or Online
Include a shoutout or QR code to your community on your product’s packaging or end cap display. For ecommerce brands, you can include a signup message in your ecommerce package with a QR code for instant signup.


Ready to embark on a journey of community growth? Unlock the full potential of your brand community with TINT. Your vibrant, engaged community awaits. Schedule a demo today.

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VP, Product Strategy