How H-Art Is Using TINT TO Create An Arsenal of UGC Experiences


Agency, Sports

Top Use Cases

“Our campaign reached over 2,000 posts. TINT helped us craft our story”

Alessandro Sinigaglia

Client Director

About H-Art

H-ART is one of the top digital agencies in Italy. They are known for crafting beautiful experiences that help people and brands make the most of what today’s world has to offer. H-ART has been a TINT client since 2014.

The Challenge

As H-ART’s reputation and client list expanded, they needed a technology that allowed them to push the boundaries of the digital experience and provide unique solutions for their clients. They already knew that authentic marketing was valued over branded communication and they wanted a technology partner that could seamlessly incorporate user-generated content (UGC) across digital properties. At the same time, H-ART’s current option of Twitter and Facebook widgets were time consuming and hard to use. In particular, the widgets were not adapting fast enough to the changing APIs and platform innovations. With this need, they came to us here at TINT.

The Solution

Over the past 3 years, TINT’s technology has helped H-ART create an arsenal of UCG-driven experiences for their clients.

In the months leading up to the 2014 World Cup, H-ART’s largest client, Telecom Italia Mobile, ran a campaign where fans had the chance to win tickets to a match in Brazil. Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) used TINT to pull in content from Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube and display pots of Italian soccer players on their website. Later, during the regular season, H-ART created an additional campaign for TIM to continue to showcase Italian professional soccer players. H-ART was able to insert the TIM brand into the World Cup conversation and football in Italy and be part of a memorable experience.

With TINT, H-ART has 15 different channels from which to collect content, so there is a generous amount to choose from and many more ways to use it. And, H-ART can easily add collaborators to their account, so their internal team and external clients can all moderate their content. With TINT, H-ART now has a quick and simple process to curate content for their brands, giving them more creative options and control than ever before. In particular, TINT’s content curation capabilities and stellar customer service have continued to deliver value to H-Art and position them as a leader in creating exceptional experiences.



H-ART has an arsenal of UGC-driven digital experiences and continued to grow its reputation as a leader in creating beautiful digital experiences. For the #TIMStadium campaign, H-ART’s client achieved the following results:


Vievs per month




People clicked on a post inside of the TINT

“I’ve found that TINT helps you craft the story”

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